Erasmus ID: IURBINO03

Language of courses: Italian


Application deadline for exchange:

First Semester (winter): 31st July
Second semester (summer): 30th November

Once the application deadline is over, the International Office selects student applications based on:

1-Places availability
3-Italian language Skills
4-Balance & reciprocity of exchanges


Lecture periods 2024-2025 (semester dates):

First semester: 07th October 2024 – 01st Febraury 2025

Second semester: 03rd March 2025 – 21st June 2025


Winter exam session: 10th – 22nd Febraury 2025

Summer exam session: 30th June – 12th July 2025

Christmas holidays: 23rd December 2024 – 06th January 2025
Easter holidays: 17th April 2024  – 22nd April 2025

Other vacation days:

25th April
01st May
01st June
02nd June

Frequently asked questions:

Do you offer Italian language courses to Erasmus students at no extra charge?
They can attend a language course at “Centro Linguistico di Ateneo”: please visit their website for more information about the calendar.


Can you tell me some information about accommodation?
We do not provide any accommodation.


Your application pack have to include:

  • – Application form – Click here to download
  • – Learning agreement – Click here to download
  • – Portfolio
  • – Letter of motivation (English version)
  • – Curriculum vitae (English version)
  • – Copy of passport or Identity card


No changes are allowed on the “Learning Agreement” after a month of the beginning of the semester.


You can send all required documents to:
Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino
Erasmus office
Via Maceri, 2 – 61029 Urbino (Italy)

or by email to


Before departure, all students of the Erasmus mobility program must be in possession of the documentation valid for entry into the host country, which varies according to the student’s nationality, duration and reason for the stay request (study / Internship).


EU citizens’ documents
The EU citizen student must be in possession of a valid identity document for expatriation (identity card / passport).



Non-EU citizens’ documents
The non-EU citizen student, who has a stay of less than 90 days, is required to consult the appropriate section of the site: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in order to check any visa application by the host country. The border authorities may request to show the documentation justifying the reasons and duration of the stay in Italy.
In the event that the stay is more than 90 days the visa application by the student is mandatory and must be carried out at the Italian diplomatic representations of the country of residence.


The following documents are required:

  • – application form for entry visa
  • – recent photo in card format
  • – valid travel document with a term of at least three months longer than the required visa
  • – health insurance, if the foreigner is not entitled to healthcare in Italy by virtue of agreements or conventions in force with his country
  • – enrollment in recognized or authorized programs of exchange / mobility / partnership deriving from European programs (among which Erasmus Plus) or national programs, and from collaborations between academic, scientific and scholastic institutions, and within the framework of agreements, conventions and implementing protocols with Universities foreign.


All information on the site:


The non-EU citizen student, in order to obtain Visa, have also to register on Universitaly portal and manage the request of pre-enrolment throght the portal.


Passport control

EU citizens, in compliance with the Schengen agreements, are not subject to passport control, differently, non-EU citizens must be in possession of the following documents, useful in case of control by public authorities:

  • – Visa (if necessary).
  • – Letter of admission / invitation of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino
  • – Medical insurance.
  • – Documents relating to housing in Italy.


Statement of presence and residence permit


EU citizens
Once in Italy, EU students included in the Erasmus mobility program are not required to provide other documentation of any kind.


Non-EU citizens
Non-EU students who stay less than 90 days are required to present a document called “dichiarazione di presenza“. This document must be delivered to the police office in which the student is domiciled, keeping a paper copy in case of possible controls by the public authorities.
In the event that non-EU students make a stay of more than 90 days, they are obliged to apply for a residence permit, which will allow them to stay in Italy according to current legislation.


Visit for further infos.


How to apply for a residence permit for non-EU citizens
To apply for a residence permit, the student within 8 days from his arrival have to go to any post office and request the “kit per il permesso di soggiorno“. The kit contains the application form for the residence permit, which must be completed in all its parts, attaching the copy of the required documents and the revenue stamp* of € 16.00.
After completing the application form for the residence permit, it is necessary to return the document to the post office, which will forward it to the competent authorities.
Once the application for the residence permit has been completed, the post office will issue a receipt, which will be kept by the student, as proof of the request. Subsequently, the student will receive a call by post, by the competent authorities to conduct an interview for information purposes, to which the student will have to go, bringing with him 4 passport photos.

* Stamps can be purchased in most tobacconists, bars


Fiscal Code
The tax code is an identification document for tax and administrative purposes. The C.F. it is issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate as a card and is a necessary document for the purpose of carrying out various activities in Italy, such as opening a bank account. This document is also required for foreign citizens. Once in Italy the student can go to the office Agenzia delle Entrate and personally request the Fiscal Code.


