Institution’s international (EU and non-EU) strategy
The current development policy of the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino is geared towards the expansion of educational opportunities available to our students, as well as the strengthening of the ability to do the research. Along with these objectives, the strategy of expanding international ties focuses on specific activities considered primary and consists mainly of: the increased mobility of the student population and teacher, enrichment of international research, the development of collaboration through inter-university agreements and l ' introduction of a system of credits, in accordance with recent legislation.
The area of research selected for the next seven years is to image processing using the new language of media studies, where the artistic disciplines offered by the Academy of Fine Arts, including painting, decorating, sculpture, stage design and graphic arts converge together through the new course newly formed "Multimedia design project."
The search of foreign partners with whom to establish a working relationship that is always evaluating the training offer is in keeping with the area of research mentioned above.
Foreign universities over the last ten years have engaged in a collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino that certainly in the near future will be maintained, are located in the following countries: Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, England, Lithuania, Poland , Greece, Turkey.
Past experience and still going with the institutions of these countries, it is confirmed the plan of international collaboration in place offering partners access to the new facilities for study and research, through the exchange of professors and practitioners in the area of 'image processing in order to increase the artistic and technological research and encourage the opening up of new business addresses, generated by the communication processes in place in the European cultural identity.
With regard to the activities of international university, has always been our belief that the student, in particular, is considered to be the protagonist, in the belief that an education open to an international dimension is an essential and vital for growth, both cultural and civil.
Thus, in the realization of our general plan of internationalization, the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino is committed to supporting the strategic objectives which can be summarized briefly below:
1) to extend the horizon of traditional Italian universities, with their different social, economic and cultural, in order to converge, within the Academy of Fine Arts, various experiences that contribute to the enrichment of their international profile European ;
2) taking advantage of the opportunities and advantages offered by increasing globalization, giving the impulse to adhere to bilateral treaties cultural and scientific cooperation with various European and non-European universities;
3) enable the specialization, modernization and continuous professional training through the comparison with the systems of education and research university in use in other countries.
The recipients of all the activities and actions of the mobility program are particularly students (student mobility) of the 1st and 2nd cycle to which the program allows you to integrate their academic curriculum with a period of study in another country European, during which you can follow the lessons and exams of their undergraduate program.
It also allows cultural experiences abroad, to meet new higher education systems, to improve the knowledge of another language and meet young people from other countries, thereby actively participating in the construction of an increasingly united Europe, teachers (Teaching staff mobility) to which offers the opportunity to:
- Acquire and transfer skills to and with European colleagues;
- Contribute to the enrichment of the curriculum;
- Deal with different teaching methods and teaching in a foreign language in a multicultural European context.
This will provide even non-mobile students, opportunities for discussion with teaching methods and experiences.
and the Erasmus coordinators (Staff mobility).
indice rapido
Institution’s strategy for the organization and implementation of international (EU and non-EU) cooperation projects in teaching and training in relation to projects implemented under Programme.
The activities carried out in the latter, with the unanimous consent of all the user have been, particularly in the context of the Erasmus program, student mobility (student mobility) and mobility teachers (Teaching Staff mobility).
We also participated as a partner and successfully, in a consortium with other Italian universities and public bodies to Leonardo da Vinci and the Grundtvig program.
Under this new program is expected to proceed in stages, in a realistic way, thinking of a programming quality time also on the basis of requests which are received by the users and the outside.
Expected impact of participation in the Programme on the modernisation of our intitution
On the five priorities of the modernization agenda of Higher Education Systems in Europe, the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino participating in the program has chosen its strategy which is described here in order to 5 priorities:
1) E 'already in place and continue the academy a qualification process of training with the right mix of soft skills in the digital age, which in the current academic year has led to an increased enrollment by 25%. At the request of the European Union high-level qualifications you respond with creativity, flexibility and above all with a firm understanding of the chosen domains. E 'in more than necessary to attract more and more people, in particular by raising awareness of disadvantaged students and adults. To this end, our program aims to promote equality between men and women, equal opportunities for people with disabilities and to contribute actively to the fight against social exclusion, racism and xenophobia.
2) The provision of training in the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, was gradually expanded and specialized, modernizing their curricula, making them more responsive to the needs of the labor market, citizens and society at large thus allowing the creation of new professionals. Taking advantage of the new technologies to create the most effective methods of research will make education more flexible and personalized. You also need to improve working conditions and resort to continuing education.
3) Systematically students are encouraged to spend a period of study abroad. To this end, you are always guaranteed the recognition of credits obtained in foreign institutions and has also intervened financially with internal budget funds to supplement the scholarships that are still insufficient to cover the cost of living.
4) We are encouraging partnerships between higher education institutions and businesses by publicizing our training, innovation in our range of teaching and promoting more entrepreneurial, creative and innovative.
5) With regard to the governance and funding is absolutely necessary to increase investment in higher education and diversify the sources of funding increased use of private funding. Even financing systems must be more flexible and allow institutions to define their strategic direction and build on the results in order to create some competition. The Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino in order to encourage student mobility, especially, has made available the financial resources that can complement the ministerial currently still insufficient to promote growth of the various activities envisaged in the program.